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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - weak


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Перевод с английского языка weak на русский


1) слабый

2) безударный (напр. слог)

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  vessel ненадежный человек WEAK adj.  1) слабый; weak point/spot - слабое место; he is weak in English - он отстает, слаб в английском языке - in a weak moment - weak in the head  2) нерешительный; слабовольный; weak refusal - нерешительный отказ  3) неубедительный  4) слабый, водянистый (о чае и т.п.)  5) gram. слабый  6) phon. неударный, редуцированный the weaker sex - слабый пол (о женщинах) Syn: debilitated, decrepit, feeble, frail, infirm Ant: energetic, hardy, healthy, husky, resolute, stout, strong, sturdy, tough WEAK chest слабые легкие WEAK in the head умственно отсталый ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. слабый (физически); бессильный; хилый, хрупкий weak muscles —- слабые мускулы weak constitution —- хрупкое сложение weak sight —- слабое (плохое) зрение weak coal —- горн. хрупкий уголь weak in intellect (in the head) —- умственно неполноценный; придурковатый weak with loss of blood —- ослабевший от потери крови too weak to walk —- от слабости не может ходить 2. безвольный, нерешительный; неустойчивый weak will —- слабоволие, безволие weak man —- безвольный (нерешительный) человек weak character —- слабохарактерность weak refusal —- нерешительный отказ in a weak moment —- в минуту слабости weak in faith —- неустойчивый (библ. немощный) в вере weak in spirit —- слабый духом weaker brethren —- библ. немощные братья; неустойчивые (непоследовательные) сторонники (учения и т. п.) 3. неубедительный, неосновательный, шаткий weak excuse —- плохое оправдание, неубедительная отговорка weak argument —- слабый (неубедительный) довод weak logic —- слабая логика, нелогичное рассуждение 4. жидкий, водянистый; некрепкий weak tea —- слабый чай weak decoction —- жидкий отвар weak wine —- легкое (некрепкое) вино 5. спец. бедный (о горючей смеси) 6. неэффективный, неавторитетный, несильный weak government —- слабое правительство 7. неспособный weak students —- слабые учащиеся 8....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  слабый, хилый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) беден 2) бедный 3) немощный 4) непрочен 5) непрочный 6) низкоконцентрированный 7) ослабленный 8) слабый 9) хлипкий 10) чахлый almost weak topology — почти слабая топология basis of weak homologies — базис слабых гомологий boundedly weak topology — ограниченно слабая топология equation with weak singularity — уравнение со слабой особенностью kernel with weak singularity — ядро со слабой особенностью operator of weak derivation — оператор слабого дифференцирования space with weak metric — пространство со слабой метрикой strictly weak graph — строго слабый граф weak closed hull — слабо замкнутая оболочка weak cohomology group — группа слабых когомологий weak convergence criterion — критерий слабой сходимости weak direct sum — слабая прямая сумма weak domain domain — область слабого определения weak homology group — группа слабых гомологий weak ladder index — т. вер. слабый лестничный индекс weak law of large numbers — обычный закон больших чисел weak local weak relative mimimum — слабый локальный минимум - almost weak - in weak sense - weak absorption - weak accessibility - weak acid - weak adherence - weak algorithm - weak ambiguity - weak analysis - weak approximation - weak arrangement - weak assertion - weak assumption - weak asymmetry - weak automorphism - weak axiom - weak barrier - weak base - weak basis - weak boundedness - weak closedness - weak closure - weak code - weak cofibration - weak cohomology - weak commutator - weak compact - weak compactness - weak completeness - weak component - weak concavity - weak condition...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. 1 deficient in strength, power, or number; fragile; easily broken or bent or defeated. 2 deficient in vigour; sickly, feeble (weak health; a weak imagination). 3 a deficient in resolution; easily led (a weak character). b (of an action or features) indicating a lack of resolution (a weak surrender; a weak chin). 4 unconvincing or logically deficient (weak evidence; a weak argument). 5 (of a mixed liquid or solution) watery, thin, dilute (weak tea). 6 (of a style etc.) not vigorous or well-knit; diffuse, slipshod. 7 (of a crew) short-handed. 8 (of a syllable etc.) unstressed. 9 Gram. in Germanic languages: a (of a verb) forming inflections by the addition of a suffix to the stem. b (of a noun or adjective) belonging to a declension in which the stem originally ended in -n (opp. STRONG adj. 22). Phrases and idioms weak ending an unstressed syllable in a normally stressed place at the end of a verse-line. the weaker sex derog. women. weak grade Gram. an unstressed ablaut-form. weak interaction Physics the weakest form of interaction between elementary particles. weak-kneed colloq. lacking resolution. weak-minded 1 mentally deficient. 2 lacking in resolution. weak-mindedness the state of being weak-minded. weak moment a time when one is unusually compliant or temptable. weak point (or spot) 1 a place where defences are assailable. 2 a flaw in an argument or character or in resistance to temptation. Derivatives weakish adj. Etymology: ME f. ON veikr f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Middle English weike, from Old Norse veikr; akin to Old English wican to yield, Greek eikein to give way, Sanskrit vijate he speeds, flees  Date: 14th century  1. lacking strength: as  a. deficient in physical vigor ; feeble, debilitated  b. not able to sustain or exert much weight, pressure, or strain  c. not able to resist external force or withstand attack  d. easily upset or nauseated a ~ stomach  2.  a. mentally or intellectually deficient  b. not firmly decided ; vacillating  c. resulting from or indicating lack of judgment or discernment  d. not able to withstand temptation or persuasion the spirit is willing but the flesh is ~  3. not factually grounded or logically presented a ~ argument  4.  a. not able to function properly ~ eyes  b.  (1) lacking skill or proficiency tutoring for ~er students  (2) indicative of a lack of skill or aptitude history was my ~est subject  c. wanting in vigor of expression or effect a ~ translation of the poem  5.  a. deficient in the usual or required ingredients ; dilute ~ coffee  b. lacking normal intensity or potency a ~ radio signal a ~ strain of virus  6.  a. not having or exerting authority or political power ~ government  b. ineffective, impotent  7. of, relating to, or constituting a verb or verb conjugation that in English forms the past tense and past participle by adding the suffix -ed or -d or -t  8.  a. bearing the minimal degree of stress occurring in the language a ~ syllable  b. having little or no stress and obscured vowel sound 'd in he'd is the ~ form of would  9. tending toward a lower price or value a ~ market a ~ dollar  10. ionizing only slightly in solution ~ acids and bases  • ~ly adverb Synonyms:  ~, feeble, frail, fragile, infirm, decrepit mean not strong enough to endure strain, pressure, or strenuous effort. ~ applies to deficiency or inferiority in strength or power of any sort felt ~ after the surgery. feeble suggests extreme ~ness inviting pity or contempt a feeble...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (weaker, weakest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If someone is weak, they are not healthy or do not have good muscles, so that they cannot move quickly or carry heavy things. I was too weak to move or think or speak... His arms and legs were weak. ? strong ADJ • weakly ‘I’m all right,’ Max said weakly, but his breathing came in jagged gasps... ADV: ADV with v • weakness Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency. N-UNCOUNT 2. If someone has an organ or sense that is weak, it is not very effective or powerful, or is likely to fail. Until the beating, Cantanco’s eyesight had been weak, but adequate... She tired easily and had a weak heart. ADJ 3. If you describe someone as weak, you mean that they are not very confident or determined, so that they are often frightened or worried, or easily influenced by other people. You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared. ? strong ADJ • weakness Many people felt that admitting to stress was a sign of weakness. N-UNCOUNT 4. If you describe someone’s voice or smile as weak, you mean that it not very loud or big, suggesting that the person lacks confidence, enthusiasm, or physical strength. His weak voice was almost inaudible... = feeble ADJ • weakly He smiled weakly at reporters. ADV: ADV after v 5. If an object or surface is weak, it breaks easily and cannot support a lot of weight or resist a lot of strain. The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary... Swimming is helpful for bones that are porous and weak. ? strong ADJ 6. A weak physical force does not have much power or intensity. The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds... ? strong ADV • weakly The mineral is weakly magnetic... ADV: ADV adj/-ed, ADV after v 7. If individuals or groups are weak, they do not have any power or influence. The council was too weak to do anything about...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »PHYSICALLY« not physically strong  (The illness had left her feeling tired and weak.)  (Nina was weak with hunger.) weak heart/bladder/eyes etc (=that do not work properly) 2 »CHARACTER« easily influenced by other people because you cannot make decisions by yourself  (a weak and indecisive man) 3 »NOT GOOD AT« not having much ability or skill in a particular activity or subject  (a weak backhand) + at/in  (Julie's always been weak in science.) 4 »LEADERS/COUNTRIES/ORGANIZATIONS ETC« not having much power or influence  (weak trade unions | a weak leader) 5 »ARGUMENT/EXPLANATION/STORY ETC« not having the power to persuade or interest people  (The play was well-acted but the plot was weak.) 6 »INDUSTRY/COMPANY ETC« not successful financially  (a weak economy | The pound was weak against the dollar.) 7 »BUILDINGS/OBJECTS« unable to support a lot of weight  (a weak bridge.) 8 »DRINK/LIQUID« containing a lot of water or having little taste  (weak tea) 9 »LIGHT/SOUND« difficult to see or hear  (a weak radio signal) 10 weak point/spot a part of something or of someone's character that can easily be attacked or criticized + in  (Agassi soon found the weak spots in Stich's game.) 11 weak at the knees not feeling well or strong, especially because you have had a sudden surprise or because you have seen someone you love  (His quick smile sent her weak at the knees.) 12 weak smile a slight smile, especially because you are not very happy 13 a weak moment a time when you can be persuaded more easily than usual  (David caught me at a weak moment and I lent him -10.) 14 weak in the head informal stupid or silly 15 weak chin/jaw a weak chin or jaw is not very well developed and people often think it suggests a weak character 16 weak v technical a verb that forms the past tense and past participle in a regular way 17 weak consonant/syllable a weak consonant or syllable is not emphasized  (- see also weaker sex) - weakly adv  ("I'm sorry," she said, smiling weakly. | He sank down weakly on the sofa.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from O.N. veikr "weak," cognate with O.E. wac "weak, pliant, soft," from P.Gmc. *waikwaz "yield," *wikanan "bend." Sense of "lacking authority" is first recorded 1423; that of "lacking moral strength" c.1375. Weakling is first recorded 1526. Weakfish (1838) is from Du. weekvisch, from week "soft." Weak-kneed "wanting in resolve" is from 1870. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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